Introducing The Classic White bouquet - an elegant and refined combination of white roses, white lilies, and select blooms. This timeless arrangement exudes sophistication and is expertly crafted with utmost care. Our skilled florists handpick the freshest and most beautiful blooms, ensuring that every bouquet is a work of art. From its pristine white colour palette to its stylish presentation. We strive to recreate the exact design shown in the picture, with potential variations depending on seasonal availability. Rest assured, your bouquet will always be a gorgeous and meticulously arranged masterpiece.
Upon delivery, simply trim the stems to prolong the life of the blooms and place them in a vase for a lasting display of beauty. Our bouquets are also carefully wrapped to maintain their freshness during transit. And to add a personal touch, each order comes with complimentary stationery and the option to purchase a locally designed gift card. The Classic White bouquet is perfect for a variety of occasions, including thinking of you, get well soon, and birthdays. It also makes for a thoughtful gift for anyone who appreciates timeless beauty. Plus, for an added touch of luxury, you can choose to accompany the bouquet with a selection of alcoholic beverages (available for purchase by individuals of legal drinking age). With a starting price of just $95 for the small size, The Classic White is an affordable and exquisite choice. So why settle for ordinary when you can gift someone a bouquet that is truly exceptional? Order now and experience the magic of The Classic White.
Substitution Policy: While every effort is made to ensure the product and colour selected will be used, circumstances may arise due to seasonal availability where containers and flower colours and varieties may be substituted with that of the same or higher value and suitability. If the contents vary dramatically the customer will be notified for permission to substitute.