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Seasonal Blooms



The arrival of spring brings with it the prettiest and most fragrant blooms in fresh pastel colours.


AlliumAmaryllisAnemoneArum Lily - includes Pink MistAzaleaBanksia - Praemorsa, Baxteri, CoccineaBearded IrisBlossom BluebellBlushing BrideBoroniaBromeliadCalceolariaCalla LilyChincherinchee - Standard and Arab EyesCyclamenDaffodilDaisyDelphiniumDogwood EriostemonFlannelForget Me NotFreesiaGeraldton WaxGeraniumGodetiaGoddess LilyGuelder RoseGymea LilyHelleboreHippeastrumHyacinth - includes Grape HyacinthHypericumIsopogonJasmineJaponica - flowering QuinceJonquilLavender - FrenchLeucadendron - Seed PodsLeucospermum CordifoliumLilacLilium - includes November LilyLilly of the ValleyLisianthusLove in a MistMalacca BalmMisty Blue - LimoniumMurraya Paper DaisyPeonyPierisPoppiesRanunculusRhododendronRice FlowerRose - includes Bianca, Baccara, Julia, Mount ShastaSarraceniaSnowdrops Star of BethlehemSunflowerSweet PeaSweet WilliamTetragonaTulipsQueen Anne’s LaceWaratah - pink, red and whiteWater LilyZinnia



BerziliaDusty MillerEucalyptus - includes Youngiana, MacrocarpaGeraldton WaxKumquatMagnolia - Little GemPhyllicaPrivet Berry Pussy WillowRosemarySucculents



Hot, lazy days of Summer with plentiful bright colourful blooms.


Agapanthus Allium AmaranthusAmaryllisAstilbeBanksia - Attenuata, MenziesiiBouvardiaBuddleiaCalla LillyCelosiaChestnutChincherincheeChristmas BellChristmas BushCurcumaDahliaDaisyDelphiniumFrangipaniFreesiaGardenia - includes Florida, Magnifica, Professor PucciGeraniumGinger - Beehive, Flowering, AlpiniaGloriossa LilyGum - FloweringHydrangea - includes Green and PaniculataLavender - EnglishLeucadendronLilium - includes November Lily Lisianthus Lotus - Flowers and Seed PodsLove in a MistMagnolia - WhiteNepenthes - Pitcher PlantPeonyRice FlowerRose - includes Bianca, Brandy, Brother Cadfael, Celile Brunner, Cool Water, Elina, Enchantment, Just Joey, Julia, Mr Lincoln, Mary Webb, Mount Shasta, Pretty Jessica, Sahara, Spirit of Peace, Valencia, Winchester Cathedral, David AustinStephanotisSunflowerTetragonaTuberoseWaterlily



ArtemisiaBerziliaCopper BeechCrabappleDusty MillerEucalyptus - FicifoliaFigs on BranchesHostaMagnoliaMilkweedPrivet BerryPussy WillowRosemarySmoke BushSnow BerrySucculentsVariegated Shell Ginger



A bouquet or centrepiece of flowers is enriched when deep, earthy, warm autumn hues, full of interesting foliage and textures are combined.


AmaranthusAmaryllisArum Lily - White and Green GoddessBelladonna LilyBouvardiaBuddleiaCelosiaCurcumaCyclamenDahliaDaisyDaphneDelphiniumFreesia GardeniaGeraniumGinger - Beehive, Pink TorchHippeastrumHyacinthHydrangea - AutumnalKaleKangaroo PawKing ProteaLisianthusLotus PodsLove in a MistNerineOrchids - Cattleya, Cymbidium, SlipperPomegranate Red Hot PokerRosehipsRose - includes Iceberg, Angel Face, Mount Shasta, David AustinRice FlowerSunflowerTetragonaTulips - includes Parrot-style



CrabappleDusty MillerMaple Nandina BerryPeppercorn - BerryPrivet BerryPussy WillowRosemary Snow Berry



Fewer flowers than the warmer months, consider seasonal foliages and colourful bulbs.


AlstromeriaAnemoneApple BlossomArum Lily - White and Green GoddessBanksiaBouvardiaBruniaCamellia BloomsCandytuftCanterbury BellCliviaCornflowerCyclamenDaffodilDaphneDelphiniumEriostemonFreesiaGardeniaGeraniumGymea Lily HelleboreHyacinthJaponica - flowering QuinceJasmineJonquilLavender - FrenchLisianthusMagnolia - PurpleOrchids - includes Cymbidium, SlipperPoppyProteaPrunis Blossom - includes Peach, Plum and CherryRanunculusRhododendronRose - includes Iceberg, Mount ShastaSnowdropsStar of Bethlehem StrelitziaSweet PeaSweet WilliamTulips - includes Double Cream, Queen of Night, RococoQueen Anne’s LaceViolet



Dusty MillerGum NutsHakeaHolly - with Red BerriesMagnolia BranchesPeppercorn PhyllicaPussy WillowSmoke BushSucculentsThryptomeneWattle